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U-turns is a blog for lifelong learners who want to continue to expand their leadership and communication skills.

Looking Forward to Summer

Looking Forward to Summer

Over these past 18 months we have all been awakened to many new insights and realities. For some, we had the real-life epiphany that this journey we are all on is so very short, and we truly never know what lies ahead of us, so we better start living with more...

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Thoughts Are Things

Thoughts Are Things

This simple phrase changed my life. I know, I know...it’s just a sentence. A little quote that U can tack up on a bulletin board. But no...it is SO much more than that to me. U see, in October of 1999 I met a mentor who shared this little gem of wisdom with me, and it...

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Online Trainings with U & Improved

Online Trainings with U & Improved

Like many companies these days, we have moved from being 100% in-person to now being entirely virtual. All of our trainings - both for the individual or for businesses/teams - have moved online and we are also offering weekly 30-minute trainings at no cost in order to...

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How to Lead with Kindness

How to Lead with Kindness

World Kindness Day was this Wednesday, November 13 (did you take our challenge? If not, it’s never too late to be kind!) so we wanted to take a closer look at what it means to lead with kindness. Every leader has their own style of leadership, but statistics on those...

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It might seem counter-intuitive, but a vacation could be one of the most productive activities you’ll ever embark on. Whaaat? How does lounging by the pool, exploring the Grand Canyon or driving to Illinois for a family reunion get anything accomplished? Besides the...

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The F Word

An opportunity is never lost; it is simply passed on to the next person willing to take advantage of it. This phrase was shared with me decades ago and has stuck with me ever since. The reality is, we are all given numerous opportunities...

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The Importance of Perspective

The Importance of Perspective

  We all know that life is a series of challenges and opportunities. Our days are filled with joy and sorrow, excitement and pain, love and loss. There are times when we feel on top of the world and others when we feel we’ve hit our rock-bottom. Emotions can be a...

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Who Are Your Mentors?

Who Are Your Mentors?

Take a moment to think about the mentors who have helped U become the leader U are today! How are U paying it forward and shaping the future leaders in your circle of influence?

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Are You A Conscious Leader?

Are You A Conscious Leader?

Are you a conscious business leader? I just came back from a three-day Conscious Capitalism Annual Conference hosted in my home state of Arizona. I am a huge advocate of this movement as it truly is everything we teach and bring into the companies we work with at U...

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There’s nothing like a springtime walk to clear your mind and refresh your spirit. Hiking along a favorite trail is a thrill to the senses – wherever you are, the setting has its own visual beauty, scents and sounds. You might see rolling green hills or jagged peaks....

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What’s Delaying Your Growth This Spring?

What’s Delaying Your Growth This Spring?

Springtime means new life. The gray winter landscape sheds away and turns green with smatterings of blooming flowers, adding vibrant color to dull scenes. It’s a perfect time to reflect on what you want in your life. Is it that new job? Starting your own business?...

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