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Spring has sprung, and it’s the perfect time to reflect and take inventory on the connections in our lives…both personally and professionally. At U & Improved, we understand, and KNOW, that beneath the hustle and bustle of our daily to-do list lies the beating heart of our workplace: the relationships we cultivate.

Our world has shifted, and we focus heavily these days on speed and efficiency. In so doing, it’s easy to overlook the importance of deep and genuine connections, and even take them for granted. We firmly believe that fostering authentic, real relationships at work is not just a “nice to have” benefit, but rather an absolute necessity for sustainable, marked team success.

Here’s why:

1. Trust Leads to Excellence: True and honest connections create the foundation of trust. When individuals feel heard, valued, appreciated, understood, and supported by their colleagues and their leaders, they are far more likely to collaborate with others, share ideas and best practices freely, and innovate feverishly and fearlessly. Trust is the bedrock that success is built upon and it is the fuel that high-performing teams most need in order for organizations to see tangible and exponential results.

2. Bouncing Back in the Face of Adversity: It’s bound to happen. Challenges WILL arise in any professional setting. Whether it’s finding a way through an economic setback, navigating a way through a complex project, or dealing with any number of potential business setbacks, having strong and trusting relationships in place will make all the difference. As human beings, we inherently NEED connection. When we feel connected to our peers and leaders in the workplace, we’re far better equipped to weather storms together. When we can pull from each other’s strengths, and be there for one another for collective support, our odds of succeeding skyrocket.

3. Fostering a Culture of Growth: Real, sustainable growth occurs not only on an individual basis, but collectively as well. When we choose to invest our time and energy into building meaningful connections with others, while also making time to grow personally, we create a culture where learning and development becomes a cornerstone to overall success. Through coaching, giving and receiving feedback, mentorship, and shared experiences, we can continuously (both consciously and unconsciously) inspire one another to reach new heights of success. By making a concerned effort to evolve both personally and professionally, we raise the bar for ourselves and each other.

4. Nurturing Well-Being: At U & Improved, we believe in putting the human touch back into our very numbers-based world. Don’t get us wrong, numbers matter…of course. However we know that our colleagues CANNOT simply be seen and treated as cogs in a machine. Work teams are a collective, comprised of individuals with their own dreams, goals, aspirations, hardships and struggles. By making a focused effort to build true and authentic connections, we cultivate a sense of belonging and community at work, and that enriches not only our daily lives but also promotes our overall well-being.

So this Spring, let’s clear the clutter that eats away at our time, and let’s recommit ourselves to nurturing our connections, and creating new ones, as they are what breathe life into our workplace. Take the time to walk with a colleague at lunchtime, or make time for a conversation to connect over a coffee break. Perhaps it simply lending a listening ear, or maybe it’s helping to celebrate the wins, both big and small. As is true with most things in life, our greatest achievements are often rooted in the strength, and depth, of our relationships.

At U & Improved, we regularly see and hear from our clients the value of continuing to build deeper and more meaningful connections in the workplace. As relationships continue to bloom, so will collaboration, trust, teamwork and shared success.

Cheers to springing into YOUR season of success!